More accurately a hurt was done unto him. For lo, he was partaking of football training and a ball did come unto him at mighty pace and meet the otherwise stationery end of his thumb. And it did cause mighty hurt unto the thumb. Such that screams rent the air across west Berkshire "I've broken my thumb, Mum, I've broken it"
His mother (sorry about this bit, indulge me for a moment), for he was with her last night, put him to bed and told him not to fuss. She gave no quarter and no painkillers either. This morning when we did the swap in the cold grey car park of the Langley Hall Inn (it's exactly half way you see, but a lovely pub for all that) I took one look at the now swollen and purple monstrosity and whisked him off to the lovely Sarah and Angie at the hospital.

They were just divine. From receiving us with a smile at reception right through to disgorging us at the other end, utterly plastered, they were unfailing cheerful, kind, helpful, pretty, and just downright fan-bloody-tastic.
And now the poor 12 year old thing is in bed, trying to sleep with his plastered arm stuck up on pillows in an attempt to get comfortable. Oh, and tonight he has the right dose of paracetomol in him.
What's more he is absolutely livid at missing the last game of the season.
aw, poor little thing. Maybe his mother was worried about mollycoddling him but I'm glad you took care of. You don't want to go through life with deformed digits!
of course, I forgot a word. Meant to say 'took care of him'.
Cripes, I bet his mum feels like the worstest, shit mother in the whole wide world. And I bet you feel like the bestest dad and Heston feels like the coolest kid with his arm in plaster (well, he will when the pain lessens). Broken digits and limbs are The Coolest Thing To Have as a kid.
Is Heston anagramatically your son's name - Honest?
CwC: No! It's an anagram of the name I use for him here to preserve his identity
Sherbert: Broken things - you betcha! He's kind of secretly thrilled. But a bit bored of the pain.
Kyah: You're too forgiving. Not even a phone call yet to see how he is?
poor Shonte, hope the pain lessens soon; there will always be another footie match - although I know that is no consolation. . .
well done Beep!
All that plaster for one thumb!
Poor all of you! but well done the dad!
Hope it stops hurting soon. The plaster may be cool but the pain does get to be a pain.
And then there'll be the itching.
The Langley Hall! Goodness! I've probably driven past while you were swapping.
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