Friday, April 21

Oh for goodness sake. BEHAVE!

I suspect that the tone of this blog is soon to change. I apologise for anyone who came here expecting anything remotely interesting today, or indeed funny. I got you here under false pretences. But then all the best jokes involves something false.

You see, I am about to move in with my other half (waves to Surly). And the other half has three children. And two of those children are problems. One is a normal(ish) teenager. So he's rebellious, moody, apathetic and all that stuff. He's launching into GCSE exams and is loathing every moment of every day. At least I understand him.

The younger one, though... the younger one is a real problem. A child who I think is hovering on the edges of being disturbed. He is violent, prone to behavioural disorders (eating, stealing etc) and generally allowed to totally dominate his elder brother, sister and mother, whom he bullies. He does not look forward to a big man entering his house. Not one little bit, and now we have a date more-or-less set, the punishment of his family has begun.

I am entering a war zone, and that's why I think the tone of this blog will change. I can't help but expect it to reflect the new personal circumstance. I am not nervous for myself, and actually am quietly confident that the troublemaker will be saved from himself by having a calm(ish) male adult in his life who is, at least, not a violent bully. And that's the problem: the only male he has known is aggressive and has been violent in the past. So he mimics the behaviour he sees.

See, I've started already, droning on about it. So can we agree this? I will try not to drone on and on about behaviourally challenged pre-teens if you can accept that sometimes I will just have to. What's more, if anyone there has experience that they feel might be useful to me, I'm all ears. My view is I can learn each and every day - you're never too old or too informed. So any help, gratefully received.

Is that a fair deal? I hope so, because I like having all of you drop in every so often. And I suspect I might need to borrow your friendly ear in the next 6 months while we all settle down. No, it's not me I am nervous for, after all, I have a choice, but my 12 year old doesn't, and he has done nothing to deserve the exposure to this little terrorist.



Anonymous said...

blimey, beep.

best of luck to all of you. really. and feel free to vent away - s'what blogging is for.

i think you're right though - although it'll be a huge adjustment for all of you, problem child can only benefit from a positive male influence. he won't see it for a good few years yet but i bet you a tenner that at some point he'll buy you a pint and say thank you.

Anonymous said...

happy 200th beep

and what a post with which celebrate your double centenary

I'm gulping too

hopefully the long term happiness your new situation brings everyone one of you will more than compensate for the "difficulties" (sorry, couldn't think of the right word) you may experience in the short term while everyone adjusts

Shonte will be fine - he has you for a dad. . .

(but remember, no slacking eh?!)

Anonymous said...

Wow, good luck Beep. I've no idea about problem kids (the very idea terrifies me so I have every respect for you!), but surly's right about the blog - you should write about whatever the hell you like.

Anonymous said...

I echo everyone else - drone on and on should you feel the need. I'm sure your many readers will be able to give advice when asked for it. I will be of absolute no help whatsoever but am awed by the prospect you're facing.

Anonymous said...

good luck with this beep. Actually, it will make for interesting reading, I think.

the Beep said...

thank you all. I am very lucky to have such a lovely lot of visitors. I love it when you pop in to say hi.

However, Patroclus - may I make occasional use of your photo every so often to scare the little shi.., poor disadvantaged young man, into behaving nicely.

Anonymous said...

I am utterly fortunate in that I am still married to, and indeed living happily with, the mother of my children. I can only guess at the anguish you've been through in making this decision - not for yourself, I know you know that you'll be all right, ultimately, but for your boy. What a decision. How brave of you to make it.

It sounds like the lady in question must be very special. Best, best of luck with it. You know where we are if you need us.

Anonymous said...

oh dear,this is going to be tough. I think you should say what ever you like on your blog beep. The tone is the tone of your life and that's what we're here for, to poke around in your psyche and spy into your life! :-)

best of luck to you. sounds a bit trying.

Anonymous said...

Best possible luck Beep, and of course we want to know how it goes.
I'm sure too that the child will benefit from having a kind man around, though I agree with Surly, it may be a while before you benefit from the benefits. If you see what I mean.
Good wishes for all of you.

200! Happy Blog day :)