...later: woefully inadequate posts, I know. I shall not be surprised if you all desert me. Not surprised, but sad and lonely. And to compound things I am away all next week with no internet, no phone etc.
On my return, you might be right to expect lyrical posts about, and some snaps of, Exmoor. I shall walk the Doone Valley again and that is a divine place. I shall find little pubs with excellent menus, and my son and I will walk and walk and walk each and every day. Expect great weather next week - we always have good weather for our half-term holiday, at some point anyway. Break out the suncream. We may even get to the beach at Croyde and ride the rollers in.
I am sorry not to be here more: I find time to read you all most days, but less time to post and I miss that, and you all.
I feel unbelievably guilty about the state of our planet at the moment. I am torn between such a deep and profund love for my son and this utter despair that what he inherits for himself and his own (hopefully - but then why?) children is something so dirty and worn out that it may well not make it for that much longer as a habitable place.
I suppose they will adapt and survive, but ye Gods above, we have a lovely wonderful exciting and plain beautiful place here. I want my son to inherit that and all its luxury and joyful grace and beauty, not some worn, dirty, hot exhausted shell of a place.
Oh, and before I go a little self puff here: I'm really glad to see the reviews for Mazepa were good (all four star that I have seen) and I was right: it's f f fantastic. - Go see: only eight chances with this production with this great cast.
Have a great week - see you all right at the tail-end of the month.
"Croyde hits the spot" to quote you back to yourself, beep
(totally agree with you re the state of the planet BTW)
have a wonderful week with Shonte and indeed the sun will shine for you both even if it rains too
(any chance of a photo or two of tors under moody skies, or better still standing stones or circles? or is that asking too much!)
word ver: oldzasy (Who he? Ed.)
every chance.
we're right up in north exmoor in a place prosaically named 'brendan'.
Oh we won't desert you Beep.
Have a lovely time with your son. Give my love to Croyde. And yes the planet's in danger but I think not past all hope yet. So take lovely pics of Exmoor and spread them around to remind us all of what we need to look after.
I th nk that's a good point Mig, views of Exmoor will remind us (although I shalln't be able to do it justice). And it should all be looking verdant and lush following this, er, damp patch
Beep, I'm over here now ...
Have a lovely trip:-)
Hope you had a great week. Looking forward to the piccies.
pinch-punch first of the month and no returns
hope you had good hols!
Beep, Wordpress is pretty good but I had problems with uploading photos from my computer - it's far easier to do it via Flickr.
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