Wednesday, August 2

it's a funny old world

how come I now live with more people than I have since I was 13, but I feel lonelier than I have ever felt, including those first 13 years?


Anonymous said...

No answers for you I'm afraid. Only sympathy. Hopefully you will find common ground and be less lonely.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, oh dear oh dear. I too hope merging happily will occur soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sorry to hear that. At least there is plenty of company online...
I realise this may not be quite the comfort I intend. Sorry (again).

Anonymous said...

Oh Beep, that's so hard. I hope it gets better too. After all it hasn't been so long yet and these things take time, there are so many things in both sets of lives to rearrange.

the Beep said...

it didn't. Eat it.

beta is a bother. no question. but there's no going back. nor much going forward either....