Meet Mr Park.
Mr Park must be a very important (probably rich!) man, because our new community open greenspace used to be named after him. I still call it Albert Park. So this man, who is the tallest man in the park, must be Mr Park. How nice to have a community open greenspace named after you.
I don't like it much when Mummy says go and play in the park. I have a feeling that may be a bit rude. Surely she should say go and play in Mr Park's open greenspace (I'll let her off the community bit, as the community there is quite rough. Some of them smoke! One once told me it was grass. I tried rolling up some grass cuttings once, but the match wouldn't light them, and they tasted horrid, and I burned my finger and then Mummy told me off and nearly smacked me (she sometimes nearly smacks me. She never actually does any smacking though. She's too nice really) for playing with matches. I once told the smokey people in the park that I thought they were dopey. They seemed to find that quite funny. They do laugh a lot. Actually, between you and me they laugh at most things, all the time and it gets a bit boring all their giggling. I think they may be laughing at me. I don't like it when they get the needles out though. Even if it is just 'for fun' as they say. Needles reminds me of.... well, of stuff).
When I asked Mummy about Mr Park she did that big sigh thing that all Mummies seem to do, and got a bit short with me and told me his name is Albert, not Mr Park. But I can't call someone by their first name unless they invite me, and I don't think he is going to invite me. Not soon anyway. He's also very high up there, so conversation is quite hard. I do try quite often, but I don't think he ever hears me. He never looks down at me, anyway. Mummy also said his first name is Prince. Hah! Well now I know it's not true 'cos there's a musician called Prince who wrote a song that some called Sinead sings and that song makes Mummy cry whenever she has her red juice in the evening and puts it on. Sometimes she has a whole bottle of red juice. A whole bottle! That would just make me want to go for a wee a lot. It just seems to make her cry. I don't know why she keeps drinking it every night if it makes her cry. She sometimes makes me drink something horrid called God Sliver Oil, or something, when she remembers. That makes me cry. I always hope she'll forget and quite often she does. Thank goodness I don't drink it every day. I don't think that Prince would let Mr Park use his name. He's quite famous, Prince.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you about MR PARK (see Mummy?) because he planted a really nice tree. It's all green and has brilliant big leaves, and the really clever thing is it has beans too. Look here's a photo I took of it. Mummy says it's called a catalpa. But, naughty Mummy, that's another fib. It can't be a catalpa 'cos I' ve been asking for one of those for AGES and I'm not allowed one 'til I'm older, in case I break someones window. That's what she said anyway. And here's one everyone can enjoy. All because of nice Mr Park.
Oh, one more thing. Mummy is naughty you know. She said there are Monkey Puzzle trees in the park too. Isn't that silly!
Very nice. I like a good story.
So do I Mig. As I say, there's nothing like a good story, and that was nothing like a good story.
And DCI, a harradin (?sp), I reckon. Although in my mind she was a recently deserted single mum who find s solace in the bottle.
I am humbled by your loyalty, both. Most others have deserted me and my feeble ramblings. Thanks for sticking it out thus far....
And there I was thinking your middle name was Chase. And hoping it wasn't in the past tense sense.
No, but, ooer.
If it's "loyalty' it must be Damon.
Oh go on with you Beep. It is a nice tight little story. With funny bits and sad bits and an untold story hidden inside. *looks blank, befuddled and, er, bemused*
Hey, I'm still here too! Sorry, been on jollies (it rained) so I'm a bit late.
I know that park very well. We (all at my school) were banned from going in it. In case we got into a fight with the horrid common comprehensive school boys.
I didn't like school. Can you tell?
yes, they still are (in the sixth)... which mine own issue reaches in 3 years after he starts there in one. Only one more school year of flogging up and down the A34! I'm so excited!!
Oh...nice to see you CwC
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