Tuesday, September 18

I got Jesus.

But, and here's the thing, he's a bit dirty.

Which makes me think of Amway. Do you remember Amway? It was pyramid selling scam. It sold household products. I think it has ceased operating now, but presumably not until after someone somewhere got very rich indeed. And, I guess, had a house that shone like a new pin.

When we first moved to our new life in the country from the old smoke, we were quickly greeted into the village, and one of the older boys sought us out and quickly invited us round for drinks "so we can get to know you". We enjoyed a passable first couple of G&T's but then, when we had been loosened, the Amway sales pitch started. He was a keen disciple of the Am-Way. I was livid, and let him know it. We left, and although we were always polite, there remained an edge in our dealing towards him.

I do remember though one of his sales lines was something to do with a silicone based spray. I forget what it's intended use was, but he tried to sell it to us on the basis that you could spray it under the eaves and keep the house-martins away.

Despite not using it we never had house-martins. Wasps, yes. House martins, no.

There had been an earlier brush with Amway, before we left London. An old friend who I had not seen since I helped him move house soon after his wedding phoned out of the blue. It was "too long", he said, "they were dying to see us", a "few friends round", "discuss some new business I'm setting up", "tell you more when we see you", "Super, see you then". I put the phone down and the penny took a couple of days, but drop it did. I rang back with questions. Turned out it was Amway that time too. I declined his kind but spiked invitation.

The third time I encountered Amway was soon after I had moved in with the OOGF and her tribe. A few months later I started in the antiques business. I needed to clean something or other and was hunting for the brasso when I came across this tube of Amway metal cleaner. I used it and it was quite superb. Easily the best cleaner I have used then or since.

But Amway is no longer, and the tube of cleaner is down to its last knockings. I found something on the web that claims to be as good, but it isn't, not quite. It's not bad, just not as effective.

So. Anyone know where I can buy some Amway metal cleaner?

The thing is, I got Jesus at auction last week and, as you can see, he's a bit grubby. He deserves a really good clean to reveal his full glory.


Anonymous said...

Have you tried Lakeland?

mig bardsley said...

So what's wrong with house martins? (apart from their droppings upon your flowers and washing).
We like our house martins. they're romantic and picturesque.

the Beep said...

I don't know: they never deigned to visit us, and he obviously didn't like them. HIs name was `Derek I suddenly remember. His wife was on the council in our then shared council Mig, so I better say no more about him!

I, Like The View said...

I had an uncle who used to sell Amway, my mother said we could do anything with the Amway product she bought - from washing clothes, to washing dishes, to washing our hair. . .

did she say we could clean our teeth with it? I can't recall

it was, however, based on coconut oil

dunno if that helps?

the Beep said...

coconut oil? Are you sure? Shirley you must be joking?

It doesn't smell of coconut, or indeed of anything much

incidentally, JC sold VERY quickly, but then Oxford market is really good at the moment

mig bardsley said...

I don't want to now how good oxford market is at the moment!!!!!!
Good enough to be worth me coming on thurs?

the Beep said...

Up to you! I couldn't possibly say, but July an August were rubbish and in the two Thurs of Sept I have already topped all of August plus most of July. If I have another good on this week, it will have topped the last two months altogether.

Also, Christmas is coming. People need presents and cards etc.

But don't ask me to advise! I'd hate to be wrong. It'll probably go back to normal this week.

Why not try one later in Oct and see if the Christmas effect has begun?

PS. Religous images always go well for me.

the Beep said...

Any clues Thursday? I've tried Cleaner, metal, metal cleaner, no-abrasive, polish, metal polish and nothing, de nade, niente. All clues gratefully etc etc