I had not reckoned on family life being so...so... well, bloodthirsty? Not quite right. Erm, unforgiving? No not QUITE there. Ummmm... so nakedly selfish. That's more like it. No quarter is given. Nothing is personal or private. Everything belongs to everyone, from the contents of my wallet to my ipod (type thingy) earphones. And apologies, or respect for another's stuff/life/feelings/value/virtue/and above all PRIVACY, is non-existent.
Quite a shock, and I'm only just getting to grips with it. Or in other words toughening up. Not that I wanted to toughen up, or become the kind of person that enjoys the ruthlessness of the family, but some might (indeed are) saying it's a good thing.
Wimp. C'est moi.
And actually I do prefer the person who finds it unattractive to walk roughshod all over peoples privacy, feelings and things. And that was old me, who it turns out I rather (unexpectedly) quite liked.

It does feel as if everything is a battle or, rather, a difficult negotiation, and that's verrrrrrrrrrry tiring.
Hmm, I'm with you and I'd find compromising that belief pretty darned impossible.
a learning curve, eh?
make sure you get some "me time" (I mean "you time")("make sure you get time for you", is what I mean)
i think the first interpretation i made had more going for it
I'm with you too. What's mine is mine. Pinch one of my pens at your peril.
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