Tuesday, October 23

ILTV said I should....

...so i did. I do everything ILTV says.

I bet they all read the same with just a change of gender.

Most unflattering, but like the Stars in the paper, can be read as accurate. Bugger it.

ColorQuiz.comI took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!

"Intense, vital, and animated, taking a delight in ..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.


I, Like The View said...

oh my g*d

that's incredible

not that it bears any relationship at all to your current situation

I'd love to have peaked over your should to see which colours you licked and how long you let the timer go for before getting fed up

how, I see this "I do everything ILTV says" as a bit of a challenge. . .

. . .shall have to try and come up with something else


word ver: wicked

the Beep said...

not very long - i only saw that bit after i'd clicked. Doh. I thought.

you never know, i might do it. then who'd be surprised!