I've moved.
I apologise for any inconvenience, esp to those kind people who link to me. I really appreciate your link and am sorry to ask you if you would be kind enough to change the details.
Please come and see me in my new home: here
I was going to make this change permanent immediately, but Wordpress seems to be even slower than Blogger. So I'll give it a trial run and dual post for a while until I get the hang of it.
Here's a cut and paste for you: http://beepola.wordpress.com/
I hope it works. Wordpress that is. If not I'll be back!
For anyone thinking of an alternative to blogger, I found the change pretty straightforward. And if I can do it, anyone can.
you know that everyone who links to you will now have to change their links. . .
she says, arriving back where she started, after a tour of blogs. . .
I got totally lost in your new blog
but a change is as good as a rest, as they say
(actually, I like a rest myself everynowandagain, being the lazy cow that I am)
and it took me three goes to get one of my comments loaded up - how was posting the piccies?
Oh, you cheeky minx. I only just updated my links. It had better be good, heading over there now.
And the pics on the new site are lovely.
I really love the WordPress platform. The only thing I don't dig about WP.com's thing is just that you can't be all control freak about it and change everything if you want like you can using WP on your own server. But the .com is still a nice option. Good luck with it, and I'll update my link hopefully soon. (I say hopefully because I'm dreadfully slow about these things, much to my shame.)
Argh, I can't make it open.
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