There is a song that has a certain appeal to the younger set these days. I know this because it is played occasionally on the steam radio. I have no idea what it is called, but it reminds me so much of another song that was a hit some years ago that whenever the disc jockey puts the current 45 on the turntable and place the needle in the groove, I find myself singing "hey there you with the sad face come on to my place and live it up" as the chorus starts. It's a perfect match.
Can anyone help me with the two songs?
Actually, I don't give a fig about the current popular melody, but the older one is driving me bananas. I suppose I could have googled it, but then it would not have given me a post. Some may say it hasn't anyway. They're entitled.
Can't help you with the new one, but the one you're thinking of is 'Live it Up' by Mental as Anything. Which I very vaguely remember from the 80s.
I didn't know that, though - I just looked up the lyrics on Google. Who needs a memory any more?
Crikey - I would never have known that. Mental as Anything - even the name doesn't register, although the song I remember quite well. The 80's were a desert as far as music goes, but one or two songes got through the dross. I liked this one. And probably one other.
Oh, and the Thompson Twins.
Thanks P for your sterling research.
No decade that had XTC, the Smiths, the Birthday Party, Elvis Costello *and* the Jesus and Mary Chain in it could truly be described as a desert, but you may be recalling such classic artistes as Baltimora, Cutting Crew and Five Star.
I would never have known who sang that...never heard of them I'm ashamed to admit... but I just know I am going to be singing 'Live It Up' for the rest of the day.
XTC: formed in 1970's actually as Star Park in 1973 I think, and became XTC in 1975.
And OK, I'll give you The Smiths who formed in 1982, but the 80's had hardly had time to get going by then so they are a product of the 70's (he claims) and the J&M Chain too - 1983.
For anyone who thinks they were a golden decade I give you *drum roll, trumpet fanfare* 80's Pop
PS. My Aim is True (just rifled through acres of vinyl downstairs to check) - 1977 and Armed Forces 1979: Oliver's Army.
He also found time to produce The Specials for whom my OH played cello. So I suppose I ought to bow before the music that is Madness - a true 80's band? Nope, they first charted in '79, and I am very fond of them: she played for them too.
There was SOME, even quite a lot of, good music in the 80's, but it tottered beneath the weight of a tremendous amount of dross. I give you Survivor, Tight Fit and bloody bloody Ebony and Ivory - that McCartney chump again.
Yes, but everything Elvis Costello from Trust up to Spike was in the 80s, and everything XTC from Black Sea up to Oranges and Lemons was also in the 80s. Although by your dubious measurement criteria (JAMC not an 80s band??), the Stone Roses were also an 80s band, as were Primal Scream, so I'm claiming them too!
Oo, how I love (hate) pointless arguments about music.
tricky, because then do you claim everything that the Stones (Rolling) or Bowie, or Mr John had during the 80's were really 80's music? I say not.
So I'm claiming all those as 70's bands because they were. Although I am s t r e c h i n g the point with JAMC. But they, and Stone Roses etc did not figure in my musical experience of the 80's. I switched off my radio for most of it.
And yes, there is nothing ike a good pointless argument. They almost give one purpose.
Hmm, so you're saying that only artistes who first released a record in the 1980s qualify as 80s music? Harsh, but it doesn't deter me - I'm just coming back to claim the Pixies and the Violent Femmes. Probably best not to get me started on the Sisters of Mercy, though.
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