Monday, June 19

Growing pains

I've been on blogger for, um, *count fingers* nine months now. Some people have grown a whole human being in that time. But there has been no change at Blogger. No spell checker - actually we mac-o-philes had one for a while, then it bloggered off leaving behind it's empty icon. There are no new designs as far as I can see*. And frankly all of them now look like something my mum might design (sorry Thursday, I know this will be giving you a sense of deja vu: see my profile). And Blogger still gets itself into more of a muddle than even I do. For example, right now it is showing all the wrong pictures for each post. While it's mildly amusing it also frustrates the hell out of me. Maybe it's just here at the Easily Lead HQ that it's all to cock, but I suspect that the fault is within the blogger server and so everyone is seeing a bunch of poppies and something about daisies, and a picture of my back garden and a poem by Rupert Brooke. It may be drivel, but it wasn't meant to be utterly nonesensical too. And now it's after noon there's no point in posting anything long or pictorial until tomorrow.

Do I sound ungrateful? I feel it. But hey, you know, they offer it for nothing, and they want it to take over the world, so how come they are just letting it rumble along in neutral? I'm thinking WordPress again.

*Unless I've missed something. I know I can rely on you to tell me if I have.

Incidentally, I know some clever clogs outside blogger offer trendy and much better designed (i.e. looking vaguely 21st century) templates, but I don't know how to implement them. Reams of helpful instruction and reassurance are unlikely to change these facts.

And, and, and... why does the blasted "editor's pencil' keep disappearing? There's no apparent rhyme or reason. Grrrrr.


Anonymous said...

You are quite right - no spell-checker. Presumably the typo in the last paragraph is put there as an ironic protest. I write my posts in Word first, to avoid this, but can't get around it in comments. Well, I suppose I could do the same thing, on reflection, but don't usually bother. Unless, that is, I want to use a big word.

My template is only non-standard because a friend who understands these things re-wrote it (or whatever the technical term is) for me.

You are quite right though, the quality of free gifts these days is very shoddy.

Anonymous said...

I tried to change the template once.

NEVER again.

I lost the entire blog in the process and had to call on the help of virtual mates to put me right again.

When I started the new blog I did have a spell checker, and lots of other options like a different colour font. They all disappeared though as abruptly as they had arrived.

Anonymous said...

Oh come to Wordpress Beep, come to Wordpress .... You WILL have to Flickr however.

the Beep said...

I have, Thursday I have.

Me too JJ. Next time I remembered to cut and past my template.

Dave; a lot of people know find that word and blogger don't mix due to the hidden codes at the end of word documents. Messes something up, but that something is so way over my head it is but a dot on the horizon.

the Beep said...

And PS, Dave, no, nothing ironic. just a cock up.

Anonymous said...

'word and blogger don't mix due to the hidden codes at the end of word documents'

I have a Word document which I use as a notebook to jot down ideas for blog entries, witty titles etc. I then write each day's entry at the start of this document, and cut and paste just that bit into Blogger. I've never had any trouble - but of course I never get to the end of the document, where presumably these hidden codes are secreted.

Anonymous said...

I love the expression "bloggered off", hope it comes into popular use any time now...

Anonymous said...

Bloggered off indeed!

I finally worked out that to have the little pencil, I have to have a posting window open and then when I refresh the actual blog, I click on an archive, then click on current posts and then there it is. And if I actually edit with it I have to use the back arrow to go back to the blog or it vanishes again. I think it's slightly quicker than going back to the posting window again. Just barely.

Anonymous said...

it's really very irritating sometimes

especially when it won't do what you want it to, and it only does what it wants when it wants

a little like a recalcitrant teenager

(or a man, come to think of it!)(perhaps that works both ways?)

but as everyone's pointed out, it's free and we're hooked. . .

(well, someone pointed out some of that)

the Beep said...

I don't quite understand why, when somethng is free, we should automatically accept seconds?
There is no option (is there?) to pay at Blogger (there is at Wordpresss).
If they offer features, free or not to us, they should work.
If they want to stay ahead they should develop.

Anonymous said...

there must be a word for this

(blogging about blogging)


it's kind of a victim of its own success, rather than "seconds", I think

(like that marketing person who offered free flights if you purchased a Hoover, or whatever it was, about seven years ago)

that's what I meant by what I said, although I didn't say it the right way: work with it, not against it - and then it will work for you, not against you

(eg I only post photos in the morning, as I know by the time they are awake over the pond photoblogger will be in a bad mood)

and imagine how infuriating it would be if we paid for this and it was still crap!

I know I'm just a big wuss, but I think Flo is a nice girl and I'll just go with her for the moment

(mind you, I'd be up the creek without a paddle if blogger suddenly disappeared overnight!)

brilliant word ver: pork-scratchings!

Anonymous said...

They're too busy doing urgent maintenance to develop.
I half expect them to vanish one day taking all our blogs with them!

But that's ok...the blogs will continue to babble away to each other in cyber-space I'm sure. Like answer phones leaving each other messages.