Wednesday, June 28

so, what would you do

There I am peacefully coming home when I pull up behind a white van at a temporary lights for roadworks. I've just been taking pictures so I have my camera on the seat beside me. As I roll up to the back of the van; the last vehicle in the queue, I realise that the van in front of the last van has a guy standing on the board looking in at the drivers window. He's there, in the picture below. The guy in the yellow T Shirt. As I arrive behind the white van the guy standing on the board of the TNT van, the one in front of the white van, reaches in and begins raining punches in through the window. Great big haymakers.

I grabbed my camera and took a picture. The punching guy stepped down from the board of the TNT van, saw me and started to come towards me. I pissed off mighty quick. Thank f f fuck I have a quick car. I roared past Mr Punchy Man and he got into his White Van and took off after me. In the meantime the TNT van has started off too. He went left at the roundabout, I went to the other way. WVM didn't follow me. I started to breathe again. Brave I am not.

So now I have this picture, and the information above. What would you do with it? Note the very clear number plate.

I'll tell you some other time what I actually did do


Anonymous said...

Police. Can't see there's anything to discuss here.

Anonymous said...

Your photo is a still image. Only your word that blows were struck. In the absence of any complaint from the person assaulted, there is not a lot that can be done. You might contact the local office and advise them that if they have a bloke who was assaulted at that time, date and place and he wants to bring charges, you are a witness. They should be able to find him given the tracker devices such lorries may have operating.

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell. I agree with John - just in case.

Gosh, what a strange thing to watch unfold in front of you...

the Beep said...

GSE is right, John is too and so's TR.
I went to the Police and gave them the photo and my details and they will contact me if Mr TNT makes a complaint. The other car zooming away is also a witness as he went past me as I was witnessing it all, and they can trace him through his numberplate too.
The Police took it a bit more seriously than I thought they would. But, as John says, it all hinges on MR TNT nipping down his local nick. And if that happens to be in Essex, or London or somewhere other than Didcot, I wonder if the two things will ever get tied-in together (my report and his)?
But it was a, er, surreal incident. Especially for a devout coward like me.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you went to the police. You did your bit.

Anonymous said...

I worked with a copper a little while back. He said he would never recommend anyone making a statement - he said it just wasn't worth the hassle of being made to look a fool by a lawyer if it ever went to court. I thought that was sad.

Anonymous said...

That was quick of you! Scary experience though, I'd have been terrified.