For a long time there, I thought Carpe Diem meant Size the Day.
You know, take stock, think it through and size things up. Not getting into your originally white and now heavily stained overalls, getting a little stub of pencil from behind your ear and a tatty peice of paper folder four times into a square, write a few figures on it, and say "£750 luv, ore right?" Not that kind of sizing.
But then I suppose that is a kind of seizing. Stealing.
At college I had a friend called Snell. His brother called his new born daughter Constance.
And I was convinced that Caveat Emptor was something to do with the Roman succession.
Our family motto is "Fear one".
And I have to tell you, one trots that out at every opportunity.
(my thanks to Dave who, like me, believes Cricket is vital to life although he plays - far too energetic for this slacker, and who has provided the inpsiration for today's rotten egg of a post. Go see Dave who has more charm in his little finger than you will find hereabouts. Bless you all)
Thank you, kind sir.
Every so often I look up one of these things and am astonished.(or slightly smug if I've been right all along).
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