Friday, June 9

What have I done?

Come on, let's go outside.
Yes, bring your wine, and come and have a look at the garden.
It's looking particularly, er, daunting at the moment.
So. Here we are. The back garden.

Oh, and if you come over here, there's another vantage point so you can get the full, erm, challenging nature of it.

And here's the patio. Oh yes, it's a real suntrap.


Mmmmm, well, if they had done the roofing correctly the first time round the scaffolding would have gone two weeks ago.

And here's the path down the side to the back garden.

Yes, you could say that.

But you wouldn't, would you?
(Becasue I just might cry if you did.)

UPDATE: Exciting news. She Who Must, etc, has just rung to inform me that we are having a barBque in the, uh, "garden" tonight. If I can find the damn thing out there.

CwhatC's post is the, ahem, inspiration for this post. As I am incapable of original thought I am cherry picking ideas from my blog-list. If I haven't raided you for ideas yet, I do apologise, and I'll be sure to get to you in the fullness of time because my mind is, I think, slowly atrophying through lack of use and an excess of DIY. It's the D I object to. Having to.


Anonymous said...

Beep, I have a similar state garden but sadly, the inside of the house is in a similar state of disrepair and unlovedness - I only hope yours isn't. Thanks for the Kite Runner recommendation - it was actually from your blog that I was reminded that it was potentially a Good Read.

Anonymous said...

I believe estate agents would describe it as having 'potential' ;)

the Beep said...

Thurs - the inside is, if anyhting, even worse: a combo of brand new extensions and faded old persons house. We're camping, at best.

US: that's why you got promoted. Positive spin on everything. I think your future post HMForces is assured.

Anonymous said...

The first photo looks idyllic - if only you had tilted away from the clobber on the left and removed the blue plastiic thingy.
I have a weakness for busts also.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for ride-on mowers (one broken down every year since we moved in here) we wouldn't be able to find our garden either. that's why all my pics look out at the fields beyond.

We have no patio though. And no bust either. You're way ahead in the potential garden stakes.

Anonymous said...

DIY? Feck that. Get a man in. DISE? And you can rest assured that my photo was carefully framed to edit out all the crap.

Think of the potential, man, and hire a skip and a chainsaw.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the garden, serve far too much alcohol and no-one will even notice.

Anonymous said...

One day you are going to be so glad you took those 'before' pictures. I wish I had taken some of the sea of stinging nettles we inherited as then, when my garden is looking particularly neglected by me, I could look back at those pictures and know it could be worse..far, far worse.

Anonymous said...

if you squint a bit it looks ok :-)

the Beep said...

the bad news is that these photos were taken after I'd done a days work ... there would have been no point in taking anything before then: you would have seen a green jungle and nothing else.
Done another day with the strimmer on it now, so You can see to the end. Hoorah.

Anonymous said...

so. . .

the end is in sight

. . .!