I was mooching around at Wyndham's place and reading his post about Lee Child.
Lee Child is English and was educated in Birmingham, by, apparently, my friend Michael. I am sure he said it was a "Kings" Grammar School, but this is a few years ago and frankly I have more interesting things to remember. Anyway, Michael owned a bookshop and so his claim to be a teacher of English seems fair. And his age about right to be 25 yrs or more older than the child he claims to have educated*.
One day I was in the bookshop seeking inspiration and Michael recommended a Lee Child. I hated it. And I said so. Michael bore this with good grace. We chatted and he told me that Lee Child writes to him about each and every novel, and Michael offers advice and counselling. During the conversation he, Michael, claimed to have been the teacher who saw that this underachieving (his word) schoolboy had what it takes to be a million dollar earning novelist. How? He shows no great talent for writing. I would have thought a job in sales and marketing would be the obvious 'pick' for that Child.*
Several years before I met Michael, I met Roger who was a friend for a while, though a very flakey character. He claimed to have been the drama teacher who set Kenneth Brannagh on his path to professional acting. At least the name in the Brannagh autobiog is the same. So maybe Roger's claim in genuine.
But maybe they are just like the mothers at my son's school. Apparently all their children are top of the class and doing really well.
Makes me think of Arlo Guthrie, and the last guy. Somebody has to be.
Why do Michael and Roger and the mums think that I will think any more of them for others achievements? If anything the insistence makes me think a little less. This may be because I am deeply cynical.
I shall be sure to ask messrs Brannagh and Child if I meet them. It would give us something to talk about other than the weather.
NB: my son is not top in anything**, except my heart.
Apologies for the sarcastic tone of the title of this post.
** this is untrue and just said for effect. That's how cheap I can be.
*** I feel I offer too few footnotes, judging by averages
My deepest apologies for bring back bad memories!
a connection: I had a bath this Easter in the same Cornish bath that Jemima (used to be Khan, nee something else, at that time going out with Hugh Grant) whoeversheis had a bath in last August
does that count? probably not the right kind of connection, eh Beep. . .
another:I used to get lifts from a teacher, Allan Cubit, on the way to sixth form college, he later left teaching to become a playwright
is that what you're looking for? (I suspect he won't mention me if he ever writes an auto-biog) (so thyat's another no then)
mmmm. . . have a few more (much better ones)(hee hee hee) up my proverbial sleeve (which is where they're staying)
but having re-read the post maybe I'm not supposed to brag?
my kids: three ordinary children, who I love equally - but each one I love more than the others (if you see what I mean)
and me? a somewhat below-par-blogger who's gone on long enough
I hope you think no better or worse of me for the comment BTW; but on the other hand: maybe you do
oh god
I've just reread the post again
it's one of those rhetorical posts, isn't it?
you didn't really want anyone to bore you with, sorry, tell you their connections, did you?
Oh go on, tell us what your son is top in. You know you want to :)
Besides I can't think of anyone I'm connected to and I feel left out. After all you're connected to flakey Roger and insightful Michael...it's not fair!
mig, looking at your side bar you're connected to all sorts of interesting people!
Hear Hear. And the world through your lense. It's more than enough. Which is what I was saying. I think.
knew I was being too keen. . .
. . .again
(at least I was right about mig, tho!)(or is that bragging, which means I'm wrong again?)
word ver: very-confused-as-ever
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