Tuesday, September 5



Anonymous said...

watch out for the how-dare-you anti-steve-irwin-humour brigade. thay just mounted an attack over at my place, and i didn't even say anything anti-steve-irwin. and, for the record, neither did you..

the Beep said...

Actually, i did, in the comment that I couldn't leave over at your place. But it wasn't too bad. Perhaps it's time for a really good flame war - remember those?

Only kidding. People get very tiresome and emotionally involved. Personally I found him a bit of a bore, but that's my own view and doesn't mean that I can't understand other people finding him utterly fascinating. And vice versa for Ray Mears. But there you go. Dull old world - if we - all same views - etc.

What does amaze me, and I find quite invigorating, is that OH was able to say what he said about Princess Di over at yours and not a whisper of criticism of him. He's absolutely right (or was he being sarky, in which case am I about to get badly singed? Asbestos suit ready). But I'm hoping that it indicates that many of us have finally moved on Took long enough.

Anonymous said...

when you put it like that, it does make you think. princess diana = fair game, steve irwin = revered untouchable. i wonder what the half-life of dead celebrity is? presumably about nine years...

and OH wasn't being sarky. he really is that vociferous about ooh, loads of things...

the Beep said...

Hoorah. Sounds like the man for you then!

I liked your post for the happiness it radiated (how are the neighbours?). You're on a similar path to my own, but ahead of me in progress (although sadly several years behind mine own age) but I too am beginning to see the glimmers of a contentment being possibly a consideration for future assessment, he said cautiously.

It feels good, doesn't it? I really hope it sustains for you and OH and SP (and me and mine too, naturally). No, REALLY.

the Beep said...

Oooh, now I see that I've got a totally new icon/avatar/picture associated with my name. Hmmmmm *wanders off to idly investigate because those imploring arms and false jollity of the thumbs up are not his style. No sireeeeee.

the Beep said...

Now accepts that's quite clever. It's only Steve Irwin! Which just goes to show: not my style at all.
Anyway who? and HOW?

Perhaps we've all got him today, courtesy of Google.
Don't mention China to them.

the Beep said...

Ah, I'm back. Well my image is.
I've also just been able to reopen your comments Surly and catch up with, erm, progress. Seems to me one or two people must be experiencing ...er... um.....er.... I can't really explain, because if I did I would have to use phrases such as 'time of the month' and so on and that would not be very charitable of me now would it? Especially as the main over-reactor seems to be the wrong gender.

Goodness me, there are enough things of real importance to get worked up about.

For example, I see that Steve Irwin put his money wher ehis mouth was and has created 90000 acre for wildlife and the land will be secured in his will. THAT's impressive: real action and shows he really cared.

For the others: if you stop reading blogs because you disagree with the sentiments expressed in them or their comments you are going to be reduced to a very empty and shallow in-tray really quite soon, reflecting you. The loss will be entirely yours.