Sunday, September 3

Blogger Beta: approach with caution

Blogger Beta is not all it's cracked up to be. It promises much more than I am actually allowed access to : I can't get to the tags we are supposed to have and it won't let me redesign my template (although it would on my other blogger blog: weird).

What's more it won't let me comment on some blogs. I can't log in anymore with my old ID and some of the blogs that I love to read and occasionally drop into to cast a few words of wisdom (loud coughing noise from the back: please cease) across the waters won't recognise my new ID.

If you're on my blog-roll I still read almost all of you every day and enjoy what you say, but for most I seem to have to be a lurker by force, not wish. I'm sorry (but you're not? Oh, OK. *Limps off mortally wounded*).

I also gather it has made it hard to comment on my blog. Ahem.


Anonymous said...

I see I'm not even on your bloglink any more! Hmph! *flounces out, slamming the door behind her*

the Beep said...

Ahh, er, yes, hmmm. That'll be 'cos you asked us all to take you off our link lists. Does one take it that the order is rescinded, Ma'am?!

Dave said...

No problem here.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, it's all OK now, sorry.

Anonymous said...


just tried to comment twice by logging in so trying a different method