Wednesday, January 24

ME ME ME, is all I hear them cry

Oh look, yawn, that rarest of things, a post from the Beep. You wait weeks and then along one comes, and you know it is going to be turgid dull and not worth waiting for. Conclusion? Nothing to see here then. Move along.

I have found the last two or three weeks enormously dispiriting. It's mainly the fault of Big Brother, or in Jade's case, Big Blubber. Read that how you wish.

I was pretty despondent at the thought, let alone the reality of another Big Brother Z list fest. Not least becasue I know that the teens in this house get hooked and we end up knowing what's going on. I was delighted beyond measure when this particular lot of low life 'slebs' raised not one iota of interest in any of our lot and so the telly has remained off, despite the loveliness of Shilpa.

But then this racism thing started, and it's everyfuckingwhere. Ye Gods and little fishes. Endomol, oh how they must be laughing: they have rescued a dire ratings loser.

But hasn't the cost been rather high? The depth of ignorance betrayed by the protagonists in the BB 'arse, and the utter unbelievable selfishness of the ESN 'stars' when faced with beauty, brains and humility has degraded us all. I know it's left me feeling soiled.

And then there's the A34. I know, I know. but I do drive it every day (almost) and they have put roadworks on them. My journey normally takes 50miutes there and back. Today? Today it was 2 hours 20 mins. there's no real reason for it: the signage is very clear "merge in turn" it says as we go from two lanes to one for about 4 or 5 miles. But very very few people do it. They rev up and stick to the bumper of the car in front, they dodge in and out of lanes, they don't do what they are asked to do and the consequence is a 15 minute delay is turned into an hour or so. It's utter selfishness. And pointless selfishness to boot: if they did as asked, we'd all get through much much faster.And that's what's dispiriting me at the moment. Everywhere I turn seems to be characterised by the selfishness of ignorance. And I think if there was one thing I hoped for from Tony Blair (I know, I know! Politicians and hope in the same sentence: it's never going to be, is it?) it might have been that we became less not more selfish.

I think that may be why I feel so let down.


I, Like The View said...



I have hardly watched any telly recently, none of the current BB

a case of "no BB, no comment" I'm afraid. . .

you know it is that time of year when everyone feels very miserable (think Monday was the most miserable day of the year - I had a paper clipping from last year's most miserable day and think it was the same date)

I'm sure you'll cheer up soon!


*smiles brilliantly in an encouraging fashion*

lovely photo from traffic jam - look how much snow you had on the verge!

the Beep said...

But not as mis as I feel today. Took about £30 on the market. Grrrrr.

The snow was DELIGHTFUL and filled me with joy for a several minutes, consecutively.

I do not feel much love for our fellow occupants of this benighted country at the moment. And that's not about to change with the weather, I promise.

mig bardsley said...

Every so often a car driver or two behave nicely. It makes me feel quite cheerful :)

(I've been hearing a lot about the A34 road works recently. It must be a real pain)