I succumbed to the voices nagging in my head and my nice new shiny mobile phone now has a 5 megapixel camera. So, I thought, I'll take a nice photo of the stall and show you my wet weather arrangements. Although it didn't. Well, it took the photo OK, but the light meter reads such a wide area that it wasn't much good: there's no detail in the dark patches, and one significant dark patch covers just about all of my stall. It looks as nothing. So here's a picture of my neighbour, Peter, instead.
Jeez, May and June have been, er, steady. Yesterday I implemented full rain tactics again, and this time, kindly, it rained. Proves, if nothing else, that my, ahem, design works. Basically I rip out the table top that they give you and shove everything in under the 'tent' roof. It means I have about half the space, BUT it all stays dry. And when you have a table worth £500 or so it pays to keep the rain off it.
For yer punter, so as he can see in, I have yer spot lights on. But the cameraphoney didn't pick them up. I obviously need to practise a bit more.
I don't know: lots of stock, including cheap shit, or a few well chosen pieces? I'm in a dilemma as to the way forward. I think I do have the ability to present things nicely, and I if I do say so mesell, the stall is always one of the better ones on the whole market. Truth is I ache to do this in a shop, but they are so freaking expensive. About £100 per day. PER DAY! But I feel sure I could make it work. Trouble is my 'feel sure' has, er, fell short in the past. It's all very well borrowing £20k and getting it together in some flash shop in N Oxford, but will it make £100 plus per day? Add in rates and food on the table, then it needs to make what, £200, £300 per day? Not tricky if one sells a couple of longcase clocks each week, or a few £500 tables, but who says I will? Only me.
A chap I know who really is little more than a boot trader is doing the same somewhere else. I'm quite jealous.
Meanwhile it's the market. Anyone in PR, or know anyone in PR? Please see my earlier ramblings - we need you. And anyone with anything constructive to say, say it.
Luckily yesterday a kindly trader came and took four bits of furniture from me, so that made the day worthwhile. But a lot of regular, both traders and punters, seems to be away.
Here's a gratuitous picture of a bit of furniture I've got for sale:
Also, can I commend you to my ebay pages: here. You never know, there maybe just what you are looking for.
I have nothing of any help to say at all, sorry.
Another half-pitch for the lots of cheap shitImeanlessexpensivestock. Much cheaper than a shop. Divide and conquer.
And it's true, your stall is very nicely presented. And it certainly looks better than most.
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