Monday, September 24

A jolly holiday

I like a holiday.

In fact I love holidays. I try to have them often.

But this year I have been parsimonious to say the least. A very successful one in Exmoor over the May half-term was followed by a mere four days in the summer. Normally I would have a good fortnight in the summer.

I am knackered.

We live, as astute readers, and you, may be beginning to see, under a good deal of unremitting pressure.

So you can imagine my delight when we had another four day break booked for the weekend.

We were heading for here.

M40, M6, M54 and so on via Chester and Wrexsham etc. We were on the M54, heading for Telford and delighting in the freedom and thought of three days peace and quiet. I had the guitar in the back, and the bank account had sufficient funds for us to enjoy a meal at the new local pub.

Ring ring.

Cue frantic searching for mobile phone in handbags pockets and so on. Not mine, you understand. I was driving. And looking rather po faced no doubt.

The net result was we turned round and headed home. Weekend in tatters. And, for three hours, a mum under more stress than I can recall seeing.

When the call came through that he was safe and found, she just exploded into snot and tears and... my heart bled for her.

We need a holiday.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Oh dear.

I, Like The View said...


I'm tearing my hair out for you

next time can you leave the mobile behind?

I'll probably be sticking my nose in too deep if I say ever read about the victim-persecutor-rescuer trianlge. . .

it's the victim how has the power. . .

I'll duck out now


the Beep said...

Oh yes, ILTV (and OH YES, Thursday), I am acutely aware of the cycle that's going on here. Guilt manipulation and more guilt. Unfortunately one is a child and one an adult. Neither are acting their age (both are acting a vast amount younger). I have had enough and am stepping in, announced yesterday, and effective as from today. I have been 'laying off' as requested by the therapist. And all we have seen is a steady regression to the worst level of behaviour. I will no longer tolerate this in my home. Therefore I am now stepping back-in to try and recover things to where they were nine or so months ago. Tolerable.
And did I mention that the little b......chap has manipulated such that he has been withdrawn from skule. And so is at home today playing on the xbox, mac, interweb thingy, all effing day. And did I tell you that I monitored his average time on the computer the week before it was removed for trying to hit me? 11 hours. A day. Every day. Last week of the hols. And everyone else did NOTHING!

All change. A new skule (if one will have him) and new rules at home.

It's him or me.

And that's final.

(Bless you all for coming)

I, Like The View said...

you have tostick to your guns* Beep

I know you know this

(*is that the right phrase? you know what I mean)


and strength - lots of it. . .

good luck


mig bardsley said...

Oh awful! I'm so sorry beep. What a dammed shame about your holiday. Don't be put off, do it again.*
What do the other children think of their sibling monster?

*and take a bottle or three of champagne - some for his mum to drink on the journey by way of tranquiliser. She'll need it :)