Friday, September 28

Press ups

The press. Yeuch.

Massive, indignant headline today about yesterday's events in Burma.
And yes, it is absolutely awful.

But so is what happens every day, and has been happening evey day for years, in Zimbabwe.
No hysterical headlines there. Is that because we put Mugabe into power?
To me the insidious destruction of that proud nation is truly evil. And arguably even more vile than Burma at the moment.


And. And....

The November election:

Who will want to vote for labour after what they did to us over Iraq? Not many people will want them back in. Or to re-phrase, many people want to punish them for Iraq and the way they took us to war. But what's the alternative? There isn't one. Smug plastic or a Ming Dynasty? You're 'aving a laugh.

So my tenner goes on the lowest turnout for a general election ever.

1 comment:

mig bardsley said...

Actually I blame the readers. After all it's them who want to read 'new' news. And it's them who want it to be 'sensational'. And who want the sensation to escalate. It's a feed back thing. Today's atrocities sell today's papers.