Thursday, January 31


For the second time this year my dear old Jenny has been violated.

There she was minding her own business on Friday night when some little (Dave, if you are here, look away now) fuckers ripped into her. They bent her wipers back and ripped off both her mirrors. They 'keyed' the door, but that's the least of her worries; at her age a few more scratches and dents simply join the other scars of life. She wears them with pride.

Apparently these little shitbags did 15 other cars around and about. And many had a lot more damage than I suffered. All were keyed, including the OOGFs car*.

So on top of the dilemma about her MOT, I had to face the extra cost of new mirrors and so on. Another £100.00.

Actually, in an amazing and kind act a very generous (non-blood) relative saw to the cost of replacing the mirrors so I didn't have to worry about that additional cost. And she limped through her MOT too: so we're all set to smoke out Oxon for another year (my advice; steer well clear).

Last time they smashed her windscreen. That cost me £60 excess and a half day when I couldn't work. They did several cars that night too.

Now, I wonder, will she make a trip to France? And back.

*Cost to resolve about £300. Times that by 15 (and that's just the ones that were reported) and their little jaunt is not such a minor act of vandalsm but a £4000 to £5000 crime, and that puts it up a notch or six. And if it's the same lot that did our windscreens, they could be getting up to the £10k mark. Serious crime.


Anonymous said...


mig bardsley said...

Oh you beat me to it Thursday!
(I shall join the chorus anyway)

the Beep said...

I blame the parents.