I was away from my desk for four days. Friday through Monday. And when I got back to it this morning, my junk inbox had 565 messages within it. I also had more than 100 emails in my ordinary inbox. Three were relevant to me. Less than 1% of my email was 'real'. No wonder the system is groaning under the weight.
And that doesn't even include gmail. Which, incidentally, has the best junk filter of the lot. How come those nice people at Mozilla, and those not so nice people at Apple, can't get a junk filter half as good as Google's?
I never get junk mail
but then I probably have the silliest email address on the planet
I don't get much but Barney gets the same sort of quantities you do. I have it all filtered into his junk folder and I REALLY ENJOY clicking on 'empty junk email folder' as soon as I've checked them all.
(I love your email address ILTV :)
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