Tuesday, October 16


...cut down a tree in my favourite park yesterday.

Actually, they cut down two near identical trees. I have no idea why: the park authority, being private, doesn't believe in liaising with the hoi-polloi. It's a shame they are so stand-offish. It's a nice park, and with some really different trees. They could tell us a bit about them, and what they are up to every now and then.

The smell of resin as I walked past was powerful. I have no idea what tree it used to be.

Here are some swans to look pretty:


Anonymous said...

Pretty swans, sad tree. One assumes they had good reason for its downfall but it would be good to know.

I, Like The View said...

lovely swan photo!

wonder what they are going to do with all that timber?

Dave said...

I saw some nice trees in Hereford last week (yes, thanks for reminding me, I did take my camera).

Always a shame when they're cut down.

mig bardsley said...

I do wish they wouldn't cut down trees. At least, not without planting new ones.
The swans are beautiful :)