Wednesday, January 16


I am as usual, instead of working, wasting, nay, frittering time. I am seeking on the interwebhighway the name of a band reviewed in the latest Guitarist magazine. I have the magazine at home. I forgot to bring it to work.

I am thus spuriously inventing the need to search the interthingy as I quite liked the sound of the band in the review I read and I want to download some stuff of theirs and see if they are worth pursuing. I can't for the life of me remember their name.

I have an inkling though that it begins with G, so I am scrolling through the "G"s at my chosen download site and just wanted to share with you a few of the band names I have come across. Who was it who said youth was wasted on the young?* The following are all genuine band names, each with at least one recorded album to their name:

Gorefest, and their mates GoreGuts, Gothic Sex, Guts Pie Earshot, Ghastly City Sleep (whaaaa?), Gism (sic), Good For Cows, Groinchurn, and dear old Goatwhore and Goatvomit - gosh, how I love their stuff.
Naturally, as we are cruising the "G"s, God comes in for some, er, um, well, something: God Among Insects, God Is My Copilot, and the super group (to their mums, I'm sure) God Lives Underwater.

They forgot my latest favourite band God I Feel Old.

And after all that I never did find the name of the band I was really looking for. Probably not a G name at all. 'Spose I'll have to wait 'til I get home now. And 'spose I have to do some work in the meantime.

Although: I could blog about it nearly being my car's fourth anniversary (with me). I wonder if there's any mileage in that?

*Rhetorically posed: it was GBS. He who knew how to pronounce GHOTI

1 comment:

I, Like The View said...

some ex-Inhibitionists have formed a new (boys only) band

to be called "The Love Dogs", apparently

they are all going to have a "dog tag"; the bass player wants to be "Bitch" (like someone in U2 or someother boyband?)

Al Sensational was one of my suggestions, I've fogotten the other (but I think they were better!)